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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Meet the Staff: Tom

This week's opportunity to learn more about our staff includes questions answered by Tom Lowe, the Program Coordinator at ReNU Niagara.

Q: What is your favorite vegetable?
A: Broccoli.  Yeah, I'm weird like that.

Q: What is your favorite saying/quote/phrase?
A: "Be the change..." Ghandi

Q: Name something healthy you did this week.
A: Walked by dog along the river.

Q: Say something about your favorite pet.
A: She's a white boxer named Moxy.

Q: How many people in your family?
A: I have a HUGE extended family, too many to list.

Q: What is your favorite childhood past time?
A: Baseball.

Q: What is your favorite vacation/vacation spot?
A: Keywest, Fl.

Q: What is someplace you've always wanted to visit but haven’t yet?
A: New Zealand or Scotland.

Q: Do you have a mentor/someone you look up to? What do you admire about them?
A: Jill Shuey has taught me a lot--and I'm not just sucking up to the boss!

Q: What was your first job? Good? Bad? Ugly?
A: Bowling alley kitchen--ugly!

Q: What is your favorite thing about where you grew up?
A: The natural landscapes of the Niagara Region, obviously!

Q: What is your biggest pet peeve?
A: General ignorance.

Q: What is your favorite board game?
A: Guess Who.

Q: What sitcom character reminds you of yourself?
A: JD from Scrubs.

Q: What is your favorite month?
A: December.

Q: Where is your favorite place to eat?
A: NY Fish Market on Fridays.

Q: Do you have any phobias/fears?
A: Don't like snakes much...

Q: What is your earliest family car?
A: Ford Bronco.

Q: Do you side with a political party?
A: I do.

Q: How old do you hope to live to be?
A: Not too old--but old enough.

Q: What is your favorite TV show of all time?
A: Seinfeld.

Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: A teacher.

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